General Articles

How to Install Oracle on OpenSuSe Linux

How to Install Oracle on OpenSuSe Linux

I recently upgraded my Linux installation to the latest OpenSuSe 11.2 release and then decided to install also the free version of the Oracle database (Oracle-XE or Oracle Express)..

The installation of Oracle consists of the following main steps:

a) Download Oracle from …

General Articles

What’s the Buzz on Keywords?

What’s the Buzz on Keywords?

If you are on the hunt for a new job, you have probably heard the reminders to make sure you have “keywords” included in your resume. So, what exactly are keywords and where do you find them?

If you have applied for a job online, …

General Articles

How Database Marketing Can Improve ROI

How Database Marketing Can Improve ROI

Database marketing, or using a database of customers and their addresses for direct marketing, is a very popular marketing method for large businesses. It has the ability to dramatically improve ROI by using customers you have already acquired and by judging a consumer’s behavior. …