How to Make Profits with a Facebook Page for Businesses

Nowadays there are already few companies that have not embarked on the vortex of Facebook. Many were pushed by friends or acquaintances, shouting “how are you not on Facebook?” The fact is that by this time everyone has been submerged. There he created a Fan Page or Profile, he was browsing and investigating a little, he added friends and potential Ideal Clients … and maybe he was encouraged to advertise. But actually, if you have a facebook account, you must need more “likes” in your facebook’s post, and don’t worry, because now you can Buy facebook post likes everywhere.

After a few months he abandoned everything that was done, wrecked in the vast ocean that today is Facebook with its more than 870 million users, in that raft that built the hurries, without a plan or road map. You found yourself investing a great deal of time, paddling in circles, without advancing or seeing any horizon with potential benefits to your company in sight. Thus, you became part of that great volume of SMEs that simply is dedicated to wasting hours in this great Social Network.

The problem is that if you do not have a strategy, linked to one or more objectives … you will find yourself investing a great deal of time without making any profit. I think you already know that’s not only facebook post like that you need, you need to Buy Facebook video views too, to increase your views result in your Facebook’s video.

How to have benefits with a Facebook page

What are your goals on Facebook?

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Faced with the most important question that your company must face on the Internet (its Objectives), the vast majority of SME owners immerse themselves in a mixed silence of “what are you asking me?” And “I must respond quickly to not look like an impromptu.”

Extremely few are the Hispanic SMEs that have clear objectives for their Online Businesses, much less are those who possess them for Social Networks.

Well … What are Objectives on Facebook? It’s simply knowing what you want to do with your ideal clients in this hotpot of opportunity. Want to get visitors to your website? Do you want to inform your customers about promotions and special offers? Do you want to build a community that is faithful to your products or services? Basically … what do you want to get out of them?

It does not have to be only a goal, you can have as many as you want as long as they meet the REAL, REALIZABLE and, very important, TRACEABLE.

By Reales I mean “normal” objectives of a SME, not to dream of goals of large companies that require other types of resources to be achieved. And that they are achievable, it is precisely that they can be reached with the resources and personnel that your company possesses.

What do I mean by Traceables? To that of NOTHING they serve their objectives if they cannot MEASURE. Being able to measure your goals is as much or more important than having them defined. For example, I often hear: I want to encourage more sales through Facebook! But when I ask “Do you measure where customers come who consult you by email? Those who go to your place? And those who call you on the phone? “The answer is always negative.

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So, not only must you define goals achievable and in accordance with your SME, but you also have to know how to measure them. If you set a goal, and after much research, you do not know how to measure it: DISCOVER IT! It is useless not to measure a goal, because it is like going out to train without measuring distance and time: Am I doing it correctly? Am I getting better or am I getting worse? How am I doing compared to the rest (my competition)? Is it time to grow and invest more hours or less?

1. Define and write on paper (or a Word) your Facebook goals.

  1. Think about whether they are commensurate with the resources your company owns, and whether they are achievable.
  2. Discuss how to measure them. If you do not know how, investigate … and if you discover that you cannot measure them: discard them and define others!

How to define your Strategy on Facebook?

Now that you have your goals defined, and you know how to measure them … it’s time to plan your Strategy.

What is “Strategy” on Facebook? Basically, what you have to ask to start thinking about Strategy is: what actions I will take to achieve the objectives, and how I will carry them out in the most efficient way. ESO, is Strategy in its simplest meaning.

Here is a simple and introductory way of how we develop the Strategic Plan In Facebook in our courses:

First of all, as we have already mentioned, it will be to define REAL, REALIZABLE and TRACEABLE objectives, both for the short (8 months), medium (16 months) and long term (2 years).

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Now that you know what you want to get from your fans, we will start to investigate: Who are your fans, what are they do on Facebook, what time do they connect, etc. For this, nothing better than developing the profile of your ideal client.

Then watch your competition.